Interview mit Yves V über Tomorrowland

Yves V bei einem seiner Auftritte auf dem Tomorrowland Festival

Yves V ist ein belgischer Musikproduzent und DJ, dessen Heimat die Bühne des sensationellen Tomorrowland Festivals ist. Mittlerweile ist der 37 Jährige nicht mehr davon wegzudenken. Er reist über die gesamte Weltkugel und legt auf den größten Festivals der Welt auf. Seinen letzten Deutschland Auftritt hatte Yves V auf dem New Horizons Festival am Nürburgring im vergangenen August. Des Weiteren hat er ein geheimes Talent, das er im Interview mit uns verraten hat. Welches das ist, lest ihr hier:

Hi Yves, we’re glad that you take your time for the interview with us! How is it going?

“It is great, thank you! I had a great time at Tomorrowland playing on the mainstage once more, and then bringing my V Sessions party back! Always great times! This month, I’m off to South America and Mexico where are two of my favorite places to visit; sunshine and great music, what more could you want?“

First of all, we want to know how you got to the DJ career? Did you had an inspiration?


“I grew up being around dance music but I was also very much into classic stadium rock and techno. It was only years later when I started learning to produce and then creating tracks with my studio engineer that I was really like „Woah! I can be creative here!“. It was a release and totally allowed me to show another side of myself to the world and I never looked back!“

You are a resident at one of the best festivals in the world, Tomorrowland. Can you tell us more about your beginnings there? And how does it feel to experience that the „own festival“ is growing so big?

“Haha, yes! I’ve been a part of the festivals make-up since it’s inception and the team over there are one big family. This year was no different, each year the festival completely outdoes itself and the year of Planaxis? Just wow! We had water jets, fire, trapeze dancers all on the mainstage and seeing all the flags that the people of Tomorrow brought with them to represent their country was a beautiful sight! I really think you have to see it in-person to really feel the essance and crazy level of production that goes down!“

It was a release and totally allowed me to show another side of myself to the world and I never looked back!

What was your craziest experience on a gig?

I have too many to mention! 😉

You will release your second Collab with Dimitri Vangelis & Wyman. It looks like you’re pretty good friends. With who would you also want to do a collab, if you could choose?

“I’m lucky that as part of my job I get to work with so many amazing artists, DJs and producers, from the best in the industry to the freshest up-and-coming guys, it’s one of the great things; being able to get in the studio and create something that is a collaboration of two ideas. Out of everyone in the world to collaborate with? I would choose Daft Punk!“ 

Borgore recently released his own jazz album. Do you have a hidden talent? Or could you imagine making something that has absolutely nothing to do with the electro genre?

“I love cooking for my friends and family at home and i enjoy a nice glass of wine, I have the Vivino App for when I’m traveling! I think I would like to be a chef, maybe I’ll do an Yves V cookbook one day, like Snoop Dogg did! Haha!“

Is there anything that you don’t want to miss when you’re on tour?

“Seeing as much culture and the local area as I can, when my scheudle allows me!“

I’m lucky that as part of my job I get to work with so many amazing artists, DJs and producers, from the best in the industry

And which job would you have chosen if you had not become a DJ?

“I was a teacher before I was a DJ – I think I would still do that.“

Thank you for the Interview! Have fun and we wish you all the best for your future! 🙂

“Thank you for chatting to me!“


Credits: Yves V (Facebook)
